It doesn't expend any energy from the rod if nothing is actively running (Water filter, moonpool charger, etc) and it has so much charge per rod that I can't see how I would ever run them dry unless I was trying to run an entire room of water filters for kicks and giggles.

Went ahead and built it, mined up the uraninite that's all over the cove, fired it up and was shocked to see how much power it generated and how fast it did it.ġ0 hours of gameplay later (Was really taking my time for fun) and I still haven't depleted those reactor rods. So I took inventory of what I did have, and realized that I had enough to make a nuclear reactor, which at that point I had never used before because I always heard that it wasn't worth it. So the other day I was moving my cyclops into the giant tree cove to set up a base, but realized that I forgot to stock up on magnetite before going down.

I'm coming at this from the prospective of someone who's beaten this game several times over in many different ways.